Wow, That New Color Is Just . . .

. . .  NOT WORKING !

There’s always plenty of color around my house.  That is no surprise to anyone.  And even my frequent wall color changes are familiar to most.  Long time readers will also recall that probably close to 80% of walls around here lean to neutrals with warm tones.


The master bedroom has a burnt orange accent wall with sides in a dulled gold color.  The gold is very light but below, you get a little better idea, with it against the other walls/ceiling.


My studio/workroom is also nice and warm.

The most recent look on walls in our one and only bathroom, went from very light beige to blue,  a rather warm aqua but still blue, which was a big difference.

Again, wall color in the photo is off.  The top aqua stripe in the shower curtain is closer.


Above is a corner of the vanity in that room.  Wanted to share the funky poster, but again, the photo does not represent the true wall color, which is much brighter.

Last Fall while recovering from surgeries, I was becoming very restless . . . and so bored!  (started to say I was “dying” of boredom but decided it wasn’t a good word choice here ๐Ÿ˜€ With little to do besides stare at the walls, it seemed my accent walls in particular, had also become boring and no longer much of an accent.  Time for a new look.

So I decided to change the three accent walls in our open living area.

This offered another opportunity for me to step out of my usual color family.  Hubs likes blues. Our second bedroom is in a gray-blue shade, and he is really happy with the bathroom.

So I went from this . . .

. . . to this.


and after a switch out of chairs, to this.


When we were discussing and testing paint chips, it came down to a deep gold or a blue of some kind.  All the gold samples we saw seemed just too yellow.  Hubs called them “baby poop” !  Switching to the blues, I succeeded in finding a shade pulled right out of the painting.  It’s almost exact.  You can read all about it   over here.

Now it’s about five months in, and when I say “in” that is literal.  We’ve had record breaking snowstorms and cold weather this season, so we’ve stayed in … a lot!  Lots of looking at that one big wall and a smaller one in the kitchen.  I didn’t even get to the third wall that’s always included with the accent color.

I had to work at adapting, and kept telling myself we just needed to sprinkle a similar color around with accessories in the other rooms of the living area.  Before we changed chairs, I reupholstered the seats on the mismatched sets

From this . . .


. . . to this.


In the kitchen side of the open area, I brought in some blue dish displays.


But they were a bit too light for our new walls.  So I darkened things up . . .


That felt much better, so I continued with the dark blues on the cabinet top displays out there too!


Well now, we are loving the new displays, and have received lots of wonderful complements on them.  So it has helped me warm up to the new walls.  Hubs said he liked the color . . . at first, and remember he’s fond of blues.

He came in from the workshop today,  looked at me and said “I don’t like that color.”  I couldn’t believe it.  After living with it for a while, he says it’s too dark and cold, and wants something brighter and/or warmer.  That means more work, but it’s okay with him, because I do all the painting ๐Ÿ˜€  He DOES hold the ladder and wipe up drips though!

So friends and followers, I guess it’s a case of . . . here we go again.  No matter how much design knowledge you may have, or just plain good luck that’s been yours choosing wall colors . . . sometimes you just have to try one and live with it a while, to see how well it works for you!

We’ll all just have to wait and see on this room.  No worry, you’ll know what comes next!

–  Later  –





7 thoughts on “Wow, That New Color Is Just . . .

  1. Wow you sure are a busy lady. I can’t wait to see what’s next. I’m wanting to change up our bedroom but hate the thought of painting.

    • I’m doing a special effect on the accent walls. It’s a secret so shhh ๐Ÿ˜€ The gold in the bedroom is shot but can’t find a close enough substitute yet, and didn’t write down the name ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  2. It is all a matter of taste, for sure. Like your hubs I am a blue fan and I love the evolved look, would be happy with it. Curious to see what you come up with next. And glad to know you are recovered well enough to tackle repainting.

    • Hello there. Yes, you and I are both color creatures! I’m waiting to do the open areas again, until Hubs finishes the cabinet fronts on the new pantry in there. So it’ll be a while. Meantime, I just have to freshen up the hallway walls, and the studio room. Get things spruced up for Spring and warm weather visitors ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. You really have an eye for colour Cheryl.
    I visited a show house recently with my family and they had a turquoise wall and it was stunning, the next room had a bright orange and the next a yellow, you’d think they’d clash but they all worked well leading in to each other, I think you were right to swap out the mugs for darker ones, often it is the accent colours that help to blend colours and please the eye.

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