It’s Gonna Be a BLUE Christmas

Hi . . . How are you?

I’m blue.

Well . . . at least my 2018 Christmas look is.


Three factors determined our holiday decor this year.

  1. Low energy & ambition .
  2. Della
  3. Quick thrift trip

The last half of this year has been a circus of doctors, surgeons, hospitals and appointments, which has put energy levels, ambition and creativity on a constant roller coaster ride.  Things are much improved but still not up to par.

When Hubs began gathering the decoration bins, most sat unopened, as my mood quickly changed from excitement to exhaustion.  A peek at the ornament boxes revealed the blue, white and silver pieces on top, so that became our 2018 color scheme.

Holidays mean Hubs gladly allows me to do all of the decorating, especially the BIG tree.  Below is a look from past years.

The second obstacle this season is Della, our eight month puppy.

While still cute . . . not so small anymore.

She can only lay on top of that chair now.

So no big tree this time! Not yet grown out of her puppy personality (destructiveness).

The blues became official with a quick trip to a favorite thrift store, where ALL CHRISTMAS items happened to be 1/2 off.  Some great pieces, and so many in blue hues.


So at home, a blue Christmas it is, which works quite well with the new accent color we’re using in our open dining/kitchen area.


A small tree instead of the tall.


Little vignettes on the tables . . .


. . . and the wall


Cabinet tops join in, with glass, trees, plates and tins.


Our hutch is the place most fun.  Della can’t reach so it’s a safe one

Two nativity sets are always a go . . .


. . .  it’s modern in the bedroom . . .


and traditional on the piano.

With this Christmas of blue, my hopes are that you will enjoy this colorful season, too.  Have a wonderful holiday, stay safe and warm, and we’ll meet the new year together.

Merry Christmas from me and the Hubs 🙂


Later – Cheryl

Today … of all days …

I’m in the mood to send out a post.  My logical side (is that left or right brain?) says “you can’t take time today, to write posts!!!  Your ladies are on the road, headed up for their annual July visit”.  The other side blurts “Yah, yah … I know … but”.

Logical: “NO but’s.  You’ve got laundry to do, beds to make, dusting and dishes.  And for pete’s sake scrub out that fridge and the bathtub!  Geesh!”

Other side:  “I can’t help it!  The pictures and writing are just working for me today.  I gotta do it!”

Logical: “Well, stop with the ‘buts’ and get your ‘butt’ going then!”

So loyal followers and readers, sharing some fantastic finds for you to drool over.


Added a new glass bird to this collection recently. The pretty, purplish blue one, fourth from the right. $2.00 LOVE IT.


The bird closeup, on the right end.


Recent thrift store haul. The napkin sets were 25 cents for each pattern set, the gorgeous velvet table runner (or mantel liner) was also 25 cents and the vase a whopping half dollar.


Here, the beautiful Fireking serving tray from the previous shot ($2) joins many of it’s relatives in my hutch.



I bought that pretty vase noted earlier, to complete this grouping on my dining room table. Love two-toned blends in colored glass.

Oh, just a thought.  The scarf pictured above, while NOT a “Vera”, was still a great buy, long-time back, @ $0.75.

TIP:  Interesting scarves, of any shape or size, always make both great fashion AND decor statements.


You know of my love of books. Hubs was recently given (free) some wonderful walnut boards, and this little unfinished project was part of the package. I’m using it “as is” to hold books in our family room.

Haven’t mentioned it on ARTZZLE, but I joined a really fun group on facebook.  It’s called “Decorate with Pyrex”.  A blogger buddy of mine invited me to join.

These people – a few fellas too – collect pyrex, fireking and many other glass and pottery items.  They post displays and finds of all kinds.  It is a blast, and if you’re interested, I’ll put links at the end of the post.

While I don’t have much Pyrex, I do collect glass (as you regulars know :o) and recently I discovered something I had NEVER SEEN.  So of course, I shared it there, but want to show everyone else too.


A unique discovery ($4.75) from our local thrift store.



NOTE: The pitcher has no handle. You hold it at the stem and gently push the back over to pour.  A Pyrex pal says this is called “Blendo” so I’ll be researching soon.

Ok, for me, this has been a pretty fast post.  But now, Ms. Logical is demanding I get all this housework done.

Yikes, I only have three hours!!!   ARGH!

Always nice talking with you.

NEW BLOG FEATURE:  Going forward, I’ll close with FYI links, mentioned in the post.  Here are today’s.

#1.  The Decorate with Pyrex sign up page

#2.  My ARTZZLE facebook page.   I post often here, sharing fun I’ve found from other blogger buddies on fb, including some fantastic AND easy projects.

#3.  This is from my Pyrex Blogger buddy.  Besides a number of other interests we share, I originally found her here because of the recipes, which work well for T2D’s like me.

I’d sure love to see ya’ at my fb page, but HERE too, so replies are always anticipated.

Later – Cheryl






Lots of WOW for $0 and 15 minutes

Got company coming this weekend?
Need to spruce up your place … quickly, cheaply, easily?
Round up some of your treasures and have a little fun.
It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

Start with 3 items of different heights and textures (add more later if you want).  You can go “theme-y” with similar pieces, or pure random just showing off things you love.

Purely random here . . . 1. Rusty star, 2. Silver ceramic figurine, 3. Jawbone, naturally bleached. OK, I KNOW . . . you don’t have (or may not want) an animal’s jawbone.  I’m just goin’ for the process here.  You’ll be using your own great stuff!
Artzzle Display Feature

The jaw isn’t for everyone, but have to say . . . it’s the most talked-about arrangement in our house; a real eye-catcher and a great conversation piece.

TIP: Group your pieces, let them touch.  You want them to connect.  Sometimes a straight line works . . . but not too often.

Got books? Show em off.  Below, several big books are placed under artwork and dressed up with three decorative pieces.  1-2-3 you’re done!

Artzzle Display Feature

It’s easy to jazz up a shelf.  All we did here was line up three nice, but different vases to give things a little shine.  (YES, a line works fine here.)  NOTE: Use varied heights and patterns, and don’t put too much space between the items.  Pull them closer together.

Everyone has dishes and I’ve never met anyone who hates candy or flowers.
Dress up a convenient spot with 1. Bowl, 2. Plate, 3. Mug.  Add some flowers & greens from your yard. Throw in some goodies and you’ve got a great look on a kitchen table or the end of a counter. Just make sure it’s easy access for your guests.

Artzzle Display Feature

Don’t have or want the matchy-matchy look? No garden flowers? Use what you’ve got and like. 1. Paint can, 2. Tin, 3. Odd plate.

Artzzle Display Feature Clip some evergreens or shrub branches. YES, evergreens work all year round (but maybe use something besides peppermints and red candies when it’s not Christmas 🙂 OR, pick up a cheap assorted flower bunch at the local box store – around $5 or less.

Artzzle Display Feature

Maybe you don’t have a yard at all.  Above, we just put root clippings from two houseplants into water.  EZ PZ.  (These stems will be planted after they root).

How about plants and books?  1. Houseplant, 2. Books, 3. Handmade wooden mallet.  You’ll have personal pieces of your own.

TIP:  Notice the little angle to the books.  EXPERIMENT, don’t always just line things up, or pull everything evenly to the front..

Artzzle Display Feature

You GUYS can use these tips too.  Just work what you have and follow the same 1-2-3’s.  Below are more masculine displays.  Again, really easy, just use things you already have.

Artzzle Display Feature

Natural wood pieces and beautiful rocks make great accents. On top, we used the paint can and house plant cuttings again, along with a little handmade fishing pole, a found rock and a VICTORY cycle gas cap.  (these all have meaning for a special fella of mine)

Artzzle Display Feature

TIP: The fishing plaque was simply positioned on the wall with putty (big box stores). It holds light weight things, can be as temporary or permanent as you want.  Doesn’t hurt the wall upon removal.

Artzzle Display Feature Artzzle Display Feature

Again, have fun and EXPERIMENT.   Here, three decorative boxes, more books, some natural elements and yes . . . even magazines.  This display was easy, and tells a story about the  person who lives here.

TIP:  Play!  Books can be upright but try leaning or stacking a few.   Magazines laying around?  Gather them up in a nice bunch and show em’ off.

Baskets are great in lots of places.  The one below stores (and displays) books and magazines.  NOTE:  Three pottery pieces on table top also hold books and treats.

Artzzle Display Feature

TIP:  For anyone . . . a quick dress-up for a couch: 1. Throw, 2. Toss Pillows.  Use a throw, small colorful blanket – toss it over the corner (or middle) of the couch, pull it together in the middle, then throw a couple toss pillows over the corner (or middle).

It’s also quick and easy, to pop flowers or a plant into a nice basket.

Artzzle Display Feature

Accent with favorite items.  Add a colorful placemat or scarf underneath and you’ve got a great table look.

Artzzle Display Feature

So just as the title promised . . .

  • $0 money spent using what you already have
  • Quick Spruce Up
  • Easy tips that anyone can do

Wishes to all for a safe, happy Memorial Day Weekend.

And remember, stress less . . . start more.

Later – Cheryl

A MUST for Every Bedroom

You may not have something that I consider an essential . . .
a MUST for every bedroom.
In the master, a child’s space or especially in a guest room,
it is an item you should seriously consider.

Any bedroom is a special retreat. . .
a little get-away right within your home.

Furnishings include a bed . . .
of course and hopefully . . . it’s extremely comfortable 🙂

A storage piece of some sort . . .  
is needed to hold all your stuff or your guests’ things.

All my bedrooms include one other necessity. . . 
another required piece . . .

A Comfortable Chair.
And most of you know that
anywhere you have a chair, you also must provide a surface and good lighting.


You remember my newest addition in our master bedroom, FEATURED HERE. I enjoy it so much that I wanted to post an article on why I feel this is an essential piece for any/all bedrooms. I used one of my many HOUZZ BOARDS to help me demonstrate.

CLICK ON THE PHOTO BELOW.  THEN  CLICK THE BOX FARTHEST RIGHT of the two little boxes in the upper right corner, for the easier to view, article version of that board..

Hope it’s fun and informative.  And until next time remember . . .

Don’t stress about that project, just get it started!

Later – Cheryl


This original article “A MUST for Every Bedroom” appeared first on No included content or photography can be used elsewhere without specific permission from and accreditation of contributors. Outside sources are marked when available.  This article features an original board by Cheryl @ on, and several designers’ selections, courtesy and permission of

Copyright © 2013-2014  Artzzle All Rights Reserved



Guilt Ridden

Craigslist had a beautiful chair yesterday, just posted and also just what I wanted for my bedroom reading corner.  AND, it was very close to home . . .


So, I went, I saw, I conquered!  (Well, I went, saw and melted!)

It’s beautiful, it rocks, it glides, it twirls.  Made by Flexsteel and for once it was true . . . when the ad said “nearly new”!


It even “sort of” had two nice sized toss pillows in the deal, the huge arm covers.

Backing each one with a coordinate, they are a nice tie-in on my bed.


Sitting in my room last evening . . . relaxing and reading, I was so content, smug even. Very happy.


But then . . .

today, this HOUZZ article arrived in my email..

Suddenly I was a bit uncomfortable.  This very stylish (but entire) home in only 140 sq. ft. of space, made me feel very selfish having a 12 X 12, 144 sq. ft. master bedroom.

I was totally guilt ridden . . . for a longgggggggggggg  while.

But after an  entire . . .  40 seconds, I recovered, read the piece and knew,

I just had to share it with you!


For all my HOUZZ fun, you can follow me there . . . just click the button to the right on my home page!

I treasure all my finds.  This one has made my bedroom complete!  Love it.

Happy bargain hunting to you!

Later – Cheryl


This original article “Guilt Ridden” appeared first on No included content or photography can be used elsewhere without specific permission and accreditation from contributors. Outside sources are marked when available.

Copyright © 2013-2014  Artzzle All Rights Reserved


On Little Money & Little Time

Remember the great “hunting trips” I’ve gone on lately?

Bargain and Treasure hunting that is.

Here’s what I’ve done with some of my fabulous finds.



Cost:  $2 @ Local Family Pathways
Time:  5 minutes to fasten it to the wall, and roll my towels.




Cost:  $3.00 for two matching mugs @ Family Pathways
Time:  Zip . . . just filled em’ up!


The fun washcloths included, are from a bundle that was a hostess gift from my recent visitors. THANKS AGAIN LADIES.


TIP:  I purposely don’t buy the matching cloths when I purchase towel sets.  The bath and hand towels are hung for use and decoration.  Matched washcloths are VERY expensive, and you go through them more quickly.   So what I do is buy bundles of good quality cloths in neutral colors.  That way I get quality AND quantities and stay within my budget (and some extra décor too)!



You’ve seen my wall collage here.

The little cup & saucer below, were found at a color tag sale.


Cost:  $1.75/set @ Family Pathways


A quick, new arrangement of the collage shows them off.  Don’t worry, the saucer is NOT going to fall and break this time!



On my birthday shopping trip with Hubs, I bought the pretty vinyl for a laundry room project.

Cost: $5.99/yd @ JoAnn’s Fabrics
Time:  15 minutes.  I just measured, cut and glued.


  • This heavy Vinyl can just be trimmed to size. It will wear without raveling.
  • I folded my front bottom edge back and made a slot for the weight.
  • Then just hot glued to my shelf unit.
  • A pretty way, to cover laundry necessities AND make the top surface waterproof.


I can set my wet watering can and $0.99 Goodwill bucket with gardening items on top without worry!




Today, I’ll end on another “orange” note.

My studio has a south-facing window I love to accent with colored glass.


I recently switched from blues to oranges with this beautiful glass vase @ $1.75 found at Discovery Thrift.

I can hear my regular followers groaning at the artificial flowers.  Yes, I still don’t care for fakes as a rule BUT . . .

  • These are convincingly realistic looking
  • Cost only $1 per stem @ Crafts Direct, and . . .
  • They were my mom’s favorite flowers and remind me of her every day when I go in there

More color and fun soon.

Meanwhile . . . don’t stress about it, just start it!

Later – Cheryl

*** This original article “On Little Money & Little Time” appeared first on No included content or photography can be used elsewhere without specific permission and accreditation from contributors. Outside sources are marked when available.

Copyright © 2013-2014  Artzzle All Rights Reserved

Killer Pain . . . but Man, Was It Fun!

Last week was almost MY last week!  After three straight days of shopping, the walking nearly killed me.  Two of my cool and crazy cousins came to visit, and Thursday noon through Saturday evening, all we did was shop!

Well, not all . . there was the talking . . . and the eating . . . and all the laughing.  Not much sleeping though & all that walking . . . yikes.  Hubs said it didn’t kill me, it did me good.  Okay, yes, I’m still alive (barely) but my new best friend is ALEVE!

We ladies are three of a kind, so we set out to visit as many thrift and 2nd Hand stores as we could find.  My area is chock full of em’ so no problem.  And we got some deals!  Can’t remember theirs (or even all of mine) but here are some of the things I found. ARTZZLE.COM Milaca Discovery Thrift was having their “Third Thursday Sale”, where each month on that day, everything is 30% off EXCEPT furniture which 15% discount.  Last month, I purchased a beautiful wooden  bureau (for $63) so I didn’t buy big this time.  The cute strawberry themed items @ $2.50 were all I left with.

Our local Family Pathways in Princeton, was where I found the vase, cup & saucer and these fun foam stamps..  Plus a glass casserole w/lid, a chrome wine rack, and a couple of miscellaneous things.  FP has “color tag sales”.  On our visit, green tags were 20% off; 40% off on yellow, and 60% discount on lavendar tags.  I spent around $9 for all my items. ARTZZLE.COM

Princeton Used Clothing Center  also has toys and household items.  And I recently started volunteering for them, so we had to stop in.  They were having 50% off on hardware items, and any clothing or fabrics, etc. was $3 a bag for all you could get in one. ARTZZLE.COM

No kidding, I got everything pictured for $3 . . . the clothes and the beautiful table cloth. There is absolutely nothing wrong with anything.  No spots, tears, nothing.  It’s all washable.  The slacks also have a casual accompanying blazer, and the pieces are inter-changeable.  Love it!  It’ll be great for the wedding I’m attending in November.  The table cover will work for several different holidays and occasions.


At the Elk River Goodwill  it was twenty minutes to closing when I discovered a 10 books for $2, green tag sale.  I used my time wisely!   Picture books, funny quotes and sayings, decorating books . . . wow!  All hard-cover except one.

ARTZZLE.COM At a local “Thrift with a Twist”,  my cousin Robin pointed out a sandwich cooking gizmo.  Brand new with a little spatula and instruction booklet, she said it was perfect for me . . . easy, fast and step by step directions.  (She knows I hate to cook).  I bought that and a set of 4 glass mugs for $5.

My final great find was at “Savers”,  the pitcher below.  At $5.99, this was my biggest expenditure, but hey . . . it matches those $2 glasses from a recent garage sale! ARTZZLE.COM The ladies come up every summer and we always have a blast.  But in planning for next year, we decided to

  • Day one – shop
  • Day two – relax, gossip, talk design and decorating
  • Day three – shop, eat out

That way I won’t have to take so much ALEVE.

Hey, what fun finds have you come across lately?  Share with me.  You can email any pictures.  My address is on the About Page.

As always, try not to stress out, just get going!

Later – Cheryl


Readers . . . just click on the products pictures to get pricing information!
Hi All 🙂

Literally, with the world at our fingertips today,
we can instantly become
and simultaneously be

There are so many shopping sites out there
where you can find any item you want
and be able to pull up similar items
and even request varied price ranges.

So HIGH vs. LOW Shopping is a snap!

Today, I played with the tools on one of my favorites, Polyvore.
You can also have fun with it through the links pictured above.

Let me know what your favorite Online Shopping Sites are.
It’s would be fun to compare notes!

Thanks for visiting and as always,
don’t stress too much about it, just start that project!

Wishes to all for a safe, fun and happy Memorial Day Weekend.

Later – Cheryl

This original article “HIGH vs. LOW” appeared first on No included content or photography can be used elsewhere without specific permission and accreditation.

Copyright © 2013-2014 Artzzle All Rights Reserved

Fun Finds Easter Wreath Project

Easter Wreath from Fun Finds


This week I wanted to do another quick project, and keep it at under $5.00.

Thrift shops are no different than any other stores . . . they always have lots of seasonal items. Two of my favorite locals are DISCOVERY THRIFT and our FAMILY PATHWAYS. These stores have lots of craft supplies, papers and fabrics along with everything else.


Here’s some of what I found.

From Discovery Thrift
• Easter grass: $0.50
• Green flocked wreath with finished back: $2.00
From Family Pathways:
• Packaged Easter table kit: $0.50
From my supply cabinet stash
• Some little green wooden garden stakes: FREE from a garage sale
• A sheet of scrapbooking paper: From a book of 100 sheets for $2.00 at a craft sale long ago

Here’s how I put it together.


I separated the Big Bunnies piece into two individuals. I used only one for this project so have the 2nd for another time.


Then I eyeballed the bunny behind the wreath to see where to place it.


Now, I trimmed the piece, leaving a TAB on the bottom and one on top.


Next, using an Xacto knife, I carefully made slits on the top/bottom of the wreath, for the tabs.


TIP: Note that my wreath form is about 2 ½ inches deep; so I cut mid-way into the form. This gives the rabbit more depth than just gluing it flat to the back of the wreath.


As always, I puttied a piece of wax paper on my work surface. Just to keep the mess contained a bit.


After the glue gun warmed up, I took four full length stakes and glued them as pictured, to make the cross piece sections for my little fence.


Next, I cut down several plant sticks, to make fence pickets. I used the pointed ends for this project, but saved the cut-off pieces for another day.


Here’s where we are in the project.


Now I took some paper eggs from the kit. Removing the paper from the stem left a tiny hole in the egg. So, little flowers were cut-out of the scrapbook paper, and used to disguise the holes when needed.


Next, I glued several paper eggs behind and throughout my little fence. And then, eggs with the flowered coverings were added around the top of the wreath.


Last part was to add some texture with the Easter grass.


Gathering a clump of grass, I then wired the middle, and after three clumps were made, I then glued them onto the back (or inside) of my fence.


I pulled strands through the pickets, then gave everything a jagged haircut . . . and here it is!


Of course this is just an example of how I used my “fun finds”. Yours will be completely different . . . and speaking of yours . . . I always like to see what you’ve done. You can connect with me on PINTEREST or HOMETALK or FACEBOOK and share your photos.

1. For More Depth: I made large dobs of hot glue behind some of the eggs and flowers. This makes them stand away from the surface, for more depth and added interest.
2. On The Fence: The eggs were glued behind the fence and in & out some pickets. This way, after grass is added and adjusted . . . the eggs look “hidden” for the hunt.
3. I glued flat, a few partial flowers to the front and ground of the fence. This helps s tie everything together throughout the wreath.
4. You Regulars all know that I like things a little WHONKY . . . no perfect here. That’s why I glued my fence pickets on a little crooked . . . more fun to do . . . more fun to look at too! 🙂

So, it’s time to say “don’t stress too much, just start something!”

Thanks again for all of your well wishes after my “broken ribs” fiasco. Each week is a little bit better!

And naturally, I LOVE COMMENTS so keep em’ coming! Thanks.

OH, I’m linking this post to THE SCOOP linky party.

Find them through Anita at CEDAR HILL FARMHOUSE

This week’s host is Barb at THE EVERYDAY HOME
Lot’s of fun there. Take a look!

Later – Cheryl

Copyright © 2013-2014 Artzzle All Rights Reserved

Rabbits, Robins and Everything Easter

Can you say . . . SPRING

I can’t say it . . . without screaming and jumping up and down with glee!

Ribs are recovering … Snow is melting … Easter is approaching … and Robins are arriving!


Today, I’m sharing everything Easter; a decor idea or two, how-to’s on one of my Make-Do projects and some great online finds from fellow bloggers.

So. . . here we go!

Back before the BIG FALL, I purchased an assorted bunch of flowers at WalMart for $7.99. The mixtures are versatile because divided up, they make several smaller bouquets, for more color around the house.

This particular bunch had all sorts of odds and ends in it . . . so I really had fun. (Sorry, I didn’t take a picture of the complete bouquet).


Above, I used the single frond of greenery and added daisies, small mums and purple stasis to a wide mouth vase. A cute bunny figurine and some pretty paper drape, brightened up my credenza.

Below, as flowers faded, the arrangement and vase changed.


Included in the bunch, was a single lily branch, with several gorgeous blooms and buds. It was substantial enough to stand alone, needing no other flowers.

But on an end table, a pretty little box accents the yellows, greens and browns of the stem.

I held the remaining blooms from the bouquet and “arranged them in my hand”, then wrapped floral tape around the stems to secure the group. Then I simply trimmed the ends of the stems and placed them in a little vase for a final arrangement.

TIP: If you don’t have floral tape, a rubber band or light wire will work. Wire tabs from your bread wrappers work well.


TIP: The assorted mix bouquets at store stands range from $2.99 to $14.99, making the prices as versatile as the pretty flowers.

Sometimes it’s fun to just get all the same blooms and line them out across a table top, in similar vases.

There’s room for immense imagination here!


You may remember my “Pretty Gift Box” project, using glue and tissue paper.

That process is used today, on a package of foam eggs, with some colored tissue and ModPodge.


I did use a few more tools:

> a “throw away” 2 inch paintbrush
> a glass of water
> wax paper
> some long wooden skewers (like you use to barbaque)
> and two clean rags – one wet, one dry.

FIRST I tacked down a good sized piece of wax paper to my work table, to help contain the wet, glue as I worked.

The rags were to help keep fingers clean and dry when neccessary. The skewers allow you to hold the egg, making for easier handling as you glue.

NEXT, tear (just rough rips) small pieces of tissue paper. You don’t want straight, scissors cut lines here.


Now, Lightly moisten tip of paintbrush, squeeze out excess water, dip tip of brush in modpodge and begin applying to BOTTOM of egg. ARTZZLE.COM

Put a piece or two of paper over the glue, brush flat onto egg.

Now push skewer into this area of your egg. The stick gives you something to hang on to and makes the rest much easier to finish. Then just keep going, gluing and smoothing layers of tissue until egg is covered.

TIP: Don’t insert the skewer into the bare foam egg before you begin. Always put a layer of paper on the bottom of the egg first, then insert the skewer over that. This way the paper won’t stick to the skewer, so you can easily remove it after drying.

While your eggs are drying, put them in a tall glass to avoid them sticking to each other.

When the eggs are completely dry, carefully pull them off the skewer and use for your project.


TIP: If you want to use eggs on a wreath, cut the skewer off about an inch from the bottom of the egg, and you will have something to insert into a foam or branch wreath.

Lately, online, there have been tons of pretty projects for Easter.


These FREE PRINTABLES from HOW TO NEST FOR LESS are just two. But they’re so colorful AND so appropriate that I just had to share them with you. Thanks Erin.


Before I close the post today, I want to express Sincere Thanks to those of you that noted concern and sent well wishes, after my little accident in March. It’s helping me heal faster, knowing that so many others are thinking of me. Much appreciated.

So, it’s time to say “don’t stress too much, just start something!”

And naturally, I LOVE COMMENTS so keep em’ coming! Thanks.

Later – Cheryl

This original article “Rabbits, Robins and Everything Easter” appeared first on No included content or photography can be used elsewhere without specific permission and accreditation.

Copyright © 2013-2014 Artzzle All Rights Reserved