EZ PZ Fall Decor for Whatever … Wednesday #3

EZ PZ décor projects this Wednesday. You can accomplish these with everyday items and just 15 minutes of your time – or less!


Autumn is the theme today, as we decorate a grapevine wreath.
But colors and pieces can easily be changed up closer to Halloween,
for all you tricksters out there. This is a Make-Do project for me.

Last spring a friend gave me two grapevine wreaths from a yard sale.
One was huge, the other smaller but a bit misshapen.
You know how I love things that are a little imperfect,
“whonky” if you will, so I’m using the small wreath today.


Last week I cut hips (orange berries) from my fading rose bushes, and I also found some cute mini gourds at a garage sale … 25 cents each or 5 for a dollar. My ribbon stock is slim on Fall colors, but I thought this bright metallic gold would work.


And finally, two sheets of fun patterned paper from my stash.

Which way is up? Now I had to decide how to hang the wreath. A more horizontal position worked better because of its’ “Whonky-ness”


Next the ribbon was secured, winding it through some of the branches,
with the end tab on the back side.


Then, it was easy, wrapping the ribbon around the wreath,


and gluing the two end tabs together, again on the back of the wreath. ARTZZLE.com ARTZZLE.com

Now I played with the berries and gourds,
deciding where I wanted to place them on the wreath.

Continuing, I pierced each gourd with the wooden skewers;


one for the smaller pieces, and two skewers for the larger, heavier piece.


After those were attached, I simply wove in stems of the rose hip berries
wherever they seemed pleasing.


You don’t have to be a florist or packaging genius to make a decent bow.


Here I chose this approach, because I didn’t have a lot of ribbon left to use.  If you want a different look, just google BOW MAKING INSTRUCTIONS for oodles of other ideas.


Just follow the pictures. I used twist ties to tighten the ends.
These never hold on garbage bags but they work great for things like this!


Once secured, just play with the ribbon to fluff up the bow.
This is wired ribbon, but the process will work with most other types as well.

After attaching the bow, I wanted to add a bit more color and interest.


Shapes and little flowers in Fall colors, were cut from the paper
and attached with a dab of glue.

Voila, the finished project, hanging on the front door.  The photo isn’t true to the paper cutouts colors.  They’re more orange and greens.  They look dark pink and tans here.


NOW REMEMBER … this is a HOW-TO post and I’m making do with what I have already at home.  You may not care for these colors or materials but now you have the process down, and you’ll be using what you have available, making it personal to your style.

At the gourd garage sale, I also found tons of other fun. Like this metallic gold star. I am crazy about star shapes, and not just at Christmas. Just adding it with these glass pieces on my piano, turned out lovely, especially in the morning sunshine!


You may remember the wreath I made last Fall..


Below is the 2014 version.  ARTZZLE.com

You can get complete instructions here.

A couple very easy projects here, and the rag wreath for those long, cool evenings that will soon be here!

So don’t stress about it, round up your stuff and start one!
And ya know how I love hearing from you so leave a comment.
Be sure to check “follow this post” so you can receive and see my reply.

Later – Cheryl