Monday has Mentionables

Monday seems a manageable day to mention magazines.
(Ooh, I just love all those “M’s”).
My “Drafts” files contain several notes and starts
regarding my appreciation of these printed papers.
Always wanting to give you great stuff on Artzzle,
I find magazines offer valuable material on varied décor topics.
Which is after all, primarily what Artzzle is all about. Magazine Mondays

Regular readers have been so patient with me … thanks guys 🙂
You all know I’ve tried various “themed days of the week” …
and you’re also aware that continuing those for any length of time,
hasn’t been a strong point for me.

Searching the blog will demonstrate that, to everyone.
Friday Features”, “Whatever Wednesdays” … “Fun Finds” and so on.
Good articles but I never got in the groove of a serial series.

Quite a bit earlier in my blog history, I considered Magazine Monday
… but wouldn’t ya’ know, my blogger buddy BLISS,
started a similar theme at that point.
Good bloggers like to communicate, share and feature fellow bloggers,
but not steal ideas … as some have done.
And YES … even some of the Big Names.
I didn’t want her to feel I was being improper
so I dropped it … until now.  I don’t think she’ll mind,
especially since only the titles are alike.
Our approaches and info are unique to each person.

Magazines AND catalogs, have always been present for me;
in my mother’s household, and through the years, in each of mine.
And take “present” very literally here.
Walking through our home, you’ll find them in almost every room Monday Magazines

  In the living room (at Mom’s it was always called the Front Room). Monday Magazines

There’s a pile or two in the family room … Monday Magazines

including some of Hubs’ subs too!
The tray pictured pictured, was a project you’ll find HERE Monday Magazines

 Tons are stacked  ahem … filed … in my office/studio.
The guest room is messy at the moment, so no show.
But yes, there is a nice rack of books AND magazines in there.

Finally, of course … I have to have
available reading in the master bedroom.
Great for those less sleepy evenings,
or the bright, sunny mornings in my chair
with that first cup of coffee … or two or three.
Ya know I gotta have my coffee!
Hey … isn’t that little orange giraffe a cutie. More about him at a later date.

Magazines, living room, workroom, family room, master bedroom

Now, neither Hubs or I require reading material with bathroom seating.

Funny story though.  My Uncle Bob was a favorite of mine.
He passed away last October at age 86, and we all miss him.
Uncle was an over-the-road truck driver for years,
which meant three things:
#1. Their family moved quite often as his employment changed.
#2. Bob detested public restrooms, and all those grubby,
closed in, gas station bathrooms.
#3. In every home they owned, Uncle Bob had a special,
second bathroom just for himself.

Oh, anyone could use it … in an emergency.
But each day, as regular as a sunrise,
he would retreat to his “room”.
Let’s just say for an extended period of time;
sometimes with a cigarette or cigar, and depending on the time of day,
possibly with a can of pop or beer.  (I know … gross, right!)

Point here is, these special spaces of his ALWAYS HAD a magazine rack.
Being a huge sports fan, one might have thought he’d include a TV as well,
but no, only the mags.  He had another special room for his own TV!
And, gotta tell ya, NOBODY INTERRUPTED Bob in either room!
When he wasn’t around and someone would ask his whereabouts,
we’d laugh and say “the King is on his throne”.

I am going to try … very hard, to see how long
I can keep the Monday Magazines a regular feature.
Meantime, our kitchen projects continue,
so look for more updates later this week.

As always, don’t stress too much about a project,
just start and it’ll take off from there!

Later – Cheryl

The Art Part

J.O.'s Studio
J.O.’s Studio 1

Many of you know that the name “Artzzle” comes from my philosophy that “Life is a Giant Puzzle of Art and Design” and I like to help people put the pieces of their homes together (that plus the fact that Art is a fantastic alpha and topic search word!).

Cruising the St. Cloud Summer Art Crawl last week was almost over-stimulating for us. And I realized that to this point, Artzzle has concentrated more on interiors and design than art. So you’ll see a new tab on the menu now, and I’ll be on constant search for interesting items to feature there.

J.O.’s Studio 2

Of course “Art” means many things to millions of people. My first thoughts always go to painting and drawing, but there are so many other areas to explore.

Please suggest any topics you’d like to see featured. I like new ideas!

Later – Cheryl

Thanks for visiting. You’ve just read “The Art Part” on I love comments and questions so send “em” my way. And be sure to spread the word about Artzzle to your friends. The more the merrier!

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