It’s Gonna Be a BLUE Christmas

Hi . . . How are you?

I’m blue.

Well . . . at least my 2018 Christmas look is.


Three factors determined our holiday decor this year.

  1. Low energy & ambition .
  2. Della
  3. Quick thrift trip

The last half of this year has been a circus of doctors, surgeons, hospitals and appointments, which has put energy levels, ambition and creativity on a constant roller coaster ride.  Things are much improved but still not up to par.

When Hubs began gathering the decoration bins, most sat unopened, as my mood quickly changed from excitement to exhaustion.  A peek at the ornament boxes revealed the blue, white and silver pieces on top, so that became our 2018 color scheme.

Holidays mean Hubs gladly allows me to do all of the decorating, especially the BIG tree.  Below is a look from past years.

The second obstacle this season is Della, our eight month puppy.

While still cute . . . not so small anymore.

She can only lay on top of that chair now.

So no big tree this time! Not yet grown out of her puppy personality (destructiveness).

The blues became official with a quick trip to a favorite thrift store, where ALL CHRISTMAS items happened to be 1/2 off.  Some great pieces, and so many in blue hues.


So at home, a blue Christmas it is, which works quite well with the new accent color we’re using in our open dining/kitchen area.


A small tree instead of the tall.


Little vignettes on the tables . . .


. . . and the wall


Cabinet tops join in, with glass, trees, plates and tins.


Our hutch is the place most fun.  Della can’t reach so it’s a safe one

Two nativity sets are always a go . . .


. . .  it’s modern in the bedroom . . .


and traditional on the piano.

With this Christmas of blue, my hopes are that you will enjoy this colorful season, too.  Have a wonderful holiday, stay safe and warm, and we’ll meet the new year together.

Merry Christmas from me and the Hubs 🙂


Later – Cheryl

Today … of all days …

I’m in the mood to send out a post.  My logical side (is that left or right brain?) says “you can’t take time today, to write posts!!!  Your ladies are on the road, headed up for their annual July visit”.  The other side blurts “Yah, yah … I know … but”.

Logical: “NO but’s.  You’ve got laundry to do, beds to make, dusting and dishes.  And for pete’s sake scrub out that fridge and the bathtub!  Geesh!”

Other side:  “I can’t help it!  The pictures and writing are just working for me today.  I gotta do it!”

Logical: “Well, stop with the ‘buts’ and get your ‘butt’ going then!”

So loyal followers and readers, sharing some fantastic finds for you to drool over.


Added a new glass bird to this collection recently. The pretty, purplish blue one, fourth from the right. $2.00 LOVE IT.


The bird closeup, on the right end.


Recent thrift store haul. The napkin sets were 25 cents for each pattern set, the gorgeous velvet table runner (or mantel liner) was also 25 cents and the vase a whopping half dollar.


Here, the beautiful Fireking serving tray from the previous shot ($2) joins many of it’s relatives in my hutch.



I bought that pretty vase noted earlier, to complete this grouping on my dining room table. Love two-toned blends in colored glass.

Oh, just a thought.  The scarf pictured above, while NOT a “Vera”, was still a great buy, long-time back, @ $0.75.

TIP:  Interesting scarves, of any shape or size, always make both great fashion AND decor statements.


You know of my love of books. Hubs was recently given (free) some wonderful walnut boards, and this little unfinished project was part of the package. I’m using it “as is” to hold books in our family room.

Haven’t mentioned it on ARTZZLE, but I joined a really fun group on facebook.  It’s called “Decorate with Pyrex”.  A blogger buddy of mine invited me to join.

These people – a few fellas too – collect pyrex, fireking and many other glass and pottery items.  They post displays and finds of all kinds.  It is a blast, and if you’re interested, I’ll put links at the end of the post.

While I don’t have much Pyrex, I do collect glass (as you regulars know :o) and recently I discovered something I had NEVER SEEN.  So of course, I shared it there, but want to show everyone else too.


A unique discovery ($4.75) from our local thrift store.



NOTE: The pitcher has no handle. You hold it at the stem and gently push the back over to pour.  A Pyrex pal says this is called “Blendo” so I’ll be researching soon.

Ok, for me, this has been a pretty fast post.  But now, Ms. Logical is demanding I get all this housework done.

Yikes, I only have three hours!!!   ARGH!

Always nice talking with you.

NEW BLOG FEATURE:  Going forward, I’ll close with FYI links, mentioned in the post.  Here are today’s.

#1.  The Decorate with Pyrex sign up page

#2.  My ARTZZLE facebook page.   I post often here, sharing fun I’ve found from other blogger buddies on fb, including some fantastic AND easy projects.

#3.  This is from my Pyrex Blogger buddy.  Besides a number of other interests we share, I originally found her here because of the recipes, which work well for T2D’s like me.

I’d sure love to see ya’ at my fb page, but HERE too, so replies are always anticipated.

Later – Cheryl






Fall’s Finale

Sharing Nature’s splendor today

Fall Finale

Some last bits of color as Fall slips away

Fall Finale

No matter the weather, there yet seems to be

Fall Finale

Each day, still a bit of beauty to see

Fall Finale

Forward, as early darkness descends

Fall's Finale

We’ll be staying inside with our floral friends

Wishes to all for a wonderful weekend,
and a safe one for all of you deer hunters!

Later – Cheryl

Golden Years? … Huh … Really?

You all know how constantly ga-ga I am about design and decorating.  Well lately, now that I’m in my “Golden Years”, my mind does occasionally go off topic.  I hate to say it wanders; wouldn’t want you to think I’m senile already. Hopefully, I’ve got a couple of years yet, before that.   Today though, I was thinking about something else; to be exact, about that phrase “Golden Years”.

Who in the hahem … world, do you suppose, ever came up with that!  I don’t know about you, but I’m thinkin’ maybe the author of “Golden Years” just figured gold rhymes with old, and that was close enough for whatever piece they were writing.  Now that I’ve arrived here, I see few other connections.

Artzzle Feature Golden Years

Then there are the “Wonder Years”.  Now that makes sense because, you’re constantly wondering.  How will you learn enough in grade school … will you live through Jr. High … to actually survive high school.   And your parents are wondering … will you make it to 21 … where you’ll be able to drink legally.

Have you given your kids any of those grownup speeches yet?  You know, the ones about tough “between times” everyone has to go through; those “Life’s Not a Bed of Roses” speeches. We can’t expect perfect because of all the in between times.  Just exactly what are those?

Are they the years, between someone saying “get out, get married, I’m not supporting you the rest of your life” and the point where you finally find enough courage to leave that person they deman … suggested you marry?  Or maybe it’s the times “between” jobs (or would it mean the times between lengthy periods of unemployment).

Nah, I’m pretty sure between times is that extended period from those rose colored glasses, through the tinted contacts, onto the readers, and finally to bi tri-focals, when you get to enjoy the golden years.

Artzzle Feature Golden Years

Hubs and I have lived through a couple months of retirement, and things are less worrisome now.  We’re more comfortable … realizing there’s enough $$ to make the bills … and still be able to eat a little!  Gracie loves us both being here round the clock.  We love not worrying about clocks.  No alarms … and are we saving money on gasoline with no more 100+ miles, trips to work.  Gracie is enjoying more time with Dad now.

Gracie LOVES having more time with Dad now

Yet, this Golden bit is still confusing.  Example, at this age you need the most help for problems with eyes, teeth and hearing.  But in the Golden Years, you’re on Medicare and … GUESS WHAT … non of that’s covered!  Oh, and you’re not only gold but gray.  That’s a problem because nobody likes to hire “gray”.  Lots of other (younger?) people just dislike gray all together.  So lots of bumps in this road too.  No smooth ride to paradise here.

Artzzle Feature Golden Years

I’ve always rambled, so that can’t be credited to age, but it’s time to end my rambling today.     One factor these days, is just that … the days.  Often we catch ourselves saying “What day is it!” as they all blend together so seamlessly.

Anyhoo … next post I’ll be back on topic with some colorful decorating info.  Until then, don’t stress too much about that task, just start it, and see where things lead you.

Later – Cheryl


Fun Finds for Friday Features

Okay, YES, I’m still on the “same letter” train.  Hey, I’m likin’ it.

Lately, I’ve needed to review my stash of fun finds. Somethings had to be removed, to clear out space for the upcoming sale season.  You know … all those important sales i.e. Garage, Yard, Barn and Funky Junk sales.  Although I’ve yet to buy a garage or barn.
I find cool stuff inside them!

This week I went metal … that’s metal NOT mental
Here are three obscure pieces I grabbed.

Artzzle Fun Finds Projects

Well, the basket is recognizable, but I have no idea
what those other things were for, originally.
I just liked em’ and knew what I wanted to do with them.
It involved cardboard, spray-paint, wood and mineral oil. (How’s that for a teaser?)

Artzzle Fun Finds Projects

Oh and also coming in to play, cookbooks, dishes and jewelry.  Just wait, you’ll see.    Must mention also, that the projects included Hubs.  Very important factor here.  Using his cardboard collection and a few clamps, Hubs set up a spray booth for me.

He included ventilation, hang wires and all necessary protective equipment.  Ceiling fans and air exchanger were activated, and as it was a warmer day, the back screen was opened a bit too, for added ventilation.

Artzzle Fun Finds Prjects Artzzle Fun Finds Prjojects

I did a quick cleanup on the bare metal pieces before starting to paint.

Metal Basket Cleanup

My product of choice for the paint was Rustoleum in a Hammered Copper color.

Artzzle Fun Finds ProjectsI always begin with small, quick sprays to avoid drips.  But have to admit,
somewhere towards the end of the project, I’m usually just spraying away to get done.

Artzzle Fun Finds ProjectsFinal step, we let the painted pieces dry over night, so as not to be sticky.

Artzzle Fun Finds Projects

Next comes the wood … and in this case, some of those beautiful,
raw walnut pieces Hubs has stashed away. This piece would hang on the wall.

Artzzle Fun Finds Projects Artzzle Fun Finds ProjectsBecause of the awkward shape, it wouldn’t hang level.

Artzzle Fun Find ProjectsSo I chose the pretty walnut slab as a backer and this is the final result.

Artzzle Fun Finds ProjectsThe mineral oil is an economical, all natural way to finish wood.
It brings out all the beautiful details, flaws and colors.  It’s very inexpensive and you can find it easily in grocery, big box, pharmacy and dollar stores.

Project MaterialsUse a clean, lint-free cloth and apply it generously.
Don’t worry, it will be dry-to-the-touch in just a short time.

Artzzle Fun Finds Projects, Wooden MalletsAbove and Below are two wooden mallet projects, Hubs made from scratch

Artzzle Fun Finds Projects, Wooden Mallet

Finally, we took the items in and played.
Here are the final results.
Artzzle Fun Finds Project Basket Artzzle Fun Finds Project, Basket Artzzle Fun Finds Project, Plate Rack Artzzle Fun Finds Projects Plate Rack

With the jewelry item piece, I knew immediately what I wanted it for.

Artzzle Fun Find Projects, Jewelry Rack

Hubs hooked the rack to the wood on the front, with little screw straps.  Then he pre- drilled into the wood and attached the entire piece onto the wall using mollie pieces with two decorative screws.,

Artzzle Fun Finds Project, Jewelry Rack

The basket was just a no-brainer purchase, cheap and for so many uses.  The plate rack piece … well, I REALLY HAD TO THINK about what to do with that, but just knew I wanted to bring it home.

COSTS for everything:  Walnut wood free, from friends who had storm downed trees last summer.  Paint was $6 or less, as I rarely pay more than that.  The basket was $3 and the other two metal pieces were part of a $5 basket of fun junk at a barn sale.  The little bottle of mineral oil was under $2.  Hubs keeps that on hand in his wood shop.

PLEASED with the results:  Have to tell you, I’m over the moon happy with our results. The plate and jewelry storage items were essential storage items, but turned out double-duty pieces as they are pretty for decor too!  Baskets are ALWAYS a great accessory in decorating, but I usually find them in wicker or ceramic.  I freaked out when I saw this one, and HAD TO HAVE IT.  I mean $3 … c’mon!

Have a good weekend all and as always, don’t stress too much about that project, just start it and sometimes it’ll just take off on it’s own, using all of your talents!

Later – Cheryl

Monday has Mentionables

Monday seems a manageable day to mention magazines.
(Ooh, I just love all those “M’s”).
My “Drafts” files contain several notes and starts
regarding my appreciation of these printed papers.
Always wanting to give you great stuff on Artzzle,
I find magazines offer valuable material on varied décor topics.
Which is after all, primarily what Artzzle is all about. Magazine Mondays

Regular readers have been so patient with me … thanks guys 🙂
You all know I’ve tried various “themed days of the week” …
and you’re also aware that continuing those for any length of time,
hasn’t been a strong point for me.

Searching the blog will demonstrate that, to everyone.
Friday Features”, “Whatever Wednesdays” … “Fun Finds” and so on.
Good articles but I never got in the groove of a serial series.

Quite a bit earlier in my blog history, I considered Magazine Monday
… but wouldn’t ya’ know, my blogger buddy BLISS,
started a similar theme at that point.
Good bloggers like to communicate, share and feature fellow bloggers,
but not steal ideas … as some have done.
And YES … even some of the Big Names.
I didn’t want her to feel I was being improper
so I dropped it … until now.  I don’t think she’ll mind,
especially since only the titles are alike.
Our approaches and info are unique to each person.

Magazines AND catalogs, have always been present for me;
in my mother’s household, and through the years, in each of mine.
And take “present” very literally here.
Walking through our home, you’ll find them in almost every room Monday Magazines

  In the living room (at Mom’s it was always called the Front Room). Monday Magazines

There’s a pile or two in the family room … Monday Magazines

including some of Hubs’ subs too!
The tray pictured pictured, was a project you’ll find HERE Monday Magazines

 Tons are stacked  ahem … filed … in my office/studio.
The guest room is messy at the moment, so no show.
But yes, there is a nice rack of books AND magazines in there.

Finally, of course … I have to have
available reading in the master bedroom.
Great for those less sleepy evenings,
or the bright, sunny mornings in my chair
with that first cup of coffee … or two or three.
Ya know I gotta have my coffee!
Hey … isn’t that little orange giraffe a cutie. More about him at a later date.

Magazines, living room, workroom, family room, master bedroom

Now, neither Hubs or I require reading material with bathroom seating.

Funny story though.  My Uncle Bob was a favorite of mine.
He passed away last October at age 86, and we all miss him.
Uncle was an over-the-road truck driver for years,
which meant three things:
#1. Their family moved quite often as his employment changed.
#2. Bob detested public restrooms, and all those grubby,
closed in, gas station bathrooms.
#3. In every home they owned, Uncle Bob had a special,
second bathroom just for himself.

Oh, anyone could use it … in an emergency.
But each day, as regular as a sunrise,
he would retreat to his “room”.
Let’s just say for an extended period of time;
sometimes with a cigarette or cigar, and depending on the time of day,
possibly with a can of pop or beer.  (I know … gross, right!)

Point here is, these special spaces of his ALWAYS HAD a magazine rack.
Being a huge sports fan, one might have thought he’d include a TV as well,
but no, only the mags.  He had another special room for his own TV!
And, gotta tell ya, NOBODY INTERRUPTED Bob in either room!
When he wasn’t around and someone would ask his whereabouts,
we’d laugh and say “the King is on his throne”.

I am going to try … very hard, to see how long
I can keep the Monday Magazines a regular feature.
Meantime, our kitchen projects continue,
so look for more updates later this week.

As always, don’t stress too much about a project,
just start and it’ll take off from there!

Later – Cheryl

It’s February and It’s Fantastic to be back.

Kitchen Cabinet Uppers RedoYay!  Artzzle is up and running again and I’m glad to be back.

We’re happy, healthy and heavy into change. You regulars know that re-doing woodwork and cabinetry is an on-going process around here.

We started with our bathroom at the end of 2013 which you can see HERE.  Find the step by step process using Rustoleum Cabinet Transformation, HERE.  We were VERY satisfied with the ease of the project and the durability with use over time.

 So, when we headed to the kitchen, we went with that same procedure.

Rustoleum Cabinet Transformation Kit

A two color, light/dark combination scheme was our goal in here.  There are enough possibilities to make this a rather time consuming project.  We have a separate island and then the normal upper/lower areas.  Which would be darker, where would the lighter color work best?  HOUZZ is one of the best sources for photo ideas, so I scoured it for hours, saving examples to show Hubs.  See some of my choices HERE.

To begin, we had to actually decide on what the two colors would be, and this took us a good two months.

The votes were leaning towards grays, or beige with browns, with all of the outer cabinets light (tops and bottoms) and only the island a darker shade.  Bold color doesn’t bother us, but our kitchen is right in the center of all the open living areas, so we wanted that space a bit neutral.  You know how changeable I am with wall colors.  That said, I didn’t want to have to repaint EVERYTHING, each time I needed wanted to redo an accent wall or two.

In grays, we chose three Glidden colors: Hope Chest BHG816 / Old Driftwood GLD811 / Partridge Gray BHG808.  These aren’t 2015 colors so I couldn’t find samples online but, if you go to your area TRUE VALUE site, you can look up the colors we finally chose which were Kayak and Cake Batter.

Then over at our local True Value – Marv’s TV – we found Kayak and Cake Batter.  I had Kayak in the family room already, and we both felt it would work to bring it out to the island. We had the wonderful paint counter crew at Marvs, mix a color as close to the Kayak as possible, with the Rustoleum products.

Newly Redone Kitchen Island

The island results were FANTASTIC.  So much so that we decided to use Kayak on ALL of the LOWER cabinets.Kitchen Project at

NOW . . . by this time I was really tired of painting . . . anything.  So we rested a bit, actually a couple of weeks.  Then we began working on the upper cabinets (at least they would be a different color!).

Mid-Process of Redo On Kitchen Cabinets

Again, same process.  Hubs removes doors and added new trim to door fronts …

Redesigning cabinet fronts

while I degreased and cleaned the cabinet frames and boxes,
and finally the redesigned doors.

Kitchen Project Supplies

Two coats were applied on the backs of each door and when dry, they were turned and two coats put on the fronts.  While doors were drying, I applied the two coats to the hanging pieces.  The front frames and outer boxes of the cabinets were painted …

Redo Only the Wooden frames and outside boxes

… as well as the undersides of each.

We also painted the bare bottoms of the upper cabinets

We also included the woodwork around the window above the kitchen sink.

New Kitchen Window Look, in Cabinet Redo

Previously, there had been a decorative wood piece that connected the cabinets on each side of the sink.  Well … it was supposed to be decorative, but we NEVER CARED for it.  So in this process, Hubs removed it completely, and trimmed out the inside tops of the cabs.  We both really prefer this look.

New Window Cabinet Look

But ya know what always happens.  You redo something and now it makes something else look bad.  Such it is with the light above our sink.  It was never a favorite piece either, but that will have to do for a while.

Kitchen Cabinet Uppers Redo

Here’s another shot of the newly finished upper cabinets.  I’ve purposely cropped out the backsplash areas.  That’s another recent project  I’ll share with you next time.

NOTE:  Just want to remind everyone that the light sources are so varied in our house, and change even more so during the day as the sun comes from different windows.  The island and these cabinets are two distinctively different tints and shades in the same color family.  Uppers are much lighter than the island, but in these pictures that isn’t as obvious.

TIP:  The note above is a very good example of why you should always get the biggest paint samples you can find AND several different color ranges.  Then you’ll be able to better see what they look like in your home and lighting.

I’m pooped so will close for now.
As always, don’t stress about that project too much, just get it started 🙂

A BIG THANK YOU for all the well wishes from you when I was on break.
And HEY … let me hear what you think of our new kitchen. Next big project will be to redo the lower cabinets in the darker color. We’re also removing a dishwasher and adding new storage spaces. Can’t wait to see you then!

Later – Cheryl

ARE YOU AFRAID . . . of Grays ?!

Canopy Contest

CRAZY … CRAZY… CRAZY !   That’s our place lately. So I multi-tasked today and combined Polyvore work with this post.  Above, the task was to create a bedroom for myself, decorated personally and including a canopy bed.  Grays have been batting my brain cells around, so I used a gray-blue color range and a few specific, spunky pieces.  Go ahead and link up for all the details.   Canopy Contest by artzzle-com

APOLOGIES FOR . . .  so few posts of late, but honest . . . I really have been working on them. What’s  happening though, is so many great ideas are flying around that, I have trouble finishing any because I need to write down another one before I forget it!

COLORS AND PAINTING . . .  are topics that have been right up front in my thoughts most often. Both because Hubs and I are working on main projects in our own home, and I’ve been researching for an upcoming series of posts.

READERS, YOU PROBABLY AREN’T SURPRISED . . .   when I say that our preferences always lean WARM. Lots of beige, browns, coppers, and like that! Well you may be shocked to hear that we’re (mostly I’m) craving a change.  We just bought new furniture pieces . . . two recliners and a cute little love seat.   Don’t get too excited yet . . . they’re brown. A beautiful soft, chocolate tone. 

NOW, THAT SAID . . .  we are changing accents and a few wall colors.  They’re running to GREEN (warm of course), and I’m bringing back a favorite, AQUA.  Not the bright, neon shades.  I’m muting them, with warm gray tones.  And speaking of gray, I’m pulling in several versions of it, and a couple of wonderful gray-blues.

ARE YOU MAKING A SOUR FACE YET . . .  at all the gray?  The nose turned up . . . the lips scrunched and grimacing?  “Grays . . . seriously?”  Well . . . YES, and let’s do get serious.  All you TREND FOLLOWERS will be on top of things with grays.  They are VERY POPULAR presently in decor.  Not only have color combos with grays as primaries, been favorite decor schemes for decades, they continue to be as useful as the beige family, for neutrals OR accents, as well.

TAKE A QUICK LOOK . . .   at the Polyvore set below.  Some of these ideas are on the mood board Hubs and I are working on.

Great Grays

IN A SERIES OF UPCOMING POSTS . . .  I’ll feature more info, ideas and examples of just why grays are so wonderful to work with.

LEAVE A COMMENT AND TELL ME  . . .  how you feel about GRAYS. Then we’ll see what you think at the end of the series. Who knows 🙂

MEANTIME . . . you know the line. Don’t stress too much, just start something.

Later – Cheryl

*** This original article “ARE YOU AFRAID . . . of Grays!” appeared first on No included content or photography can be used elsewhere without specific permission and accreditation. Outside sources are marked when available.

Copyright © 2013-2014 Artzzle All Rights Reserved

Chicken Queue


Chicken Queue.


Hi All.
I get a daily dose of wonderful,
from the blog LEAF and TWIG, and
I just HAD TO SHARE today’s gem.

I’m thinking patience not luck,
produced this wonderful composition.
Thanks, Seedbud

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone . . . and remember,
try not to stress too much, just start something!

Later – Cheryl


Readers . . . just click on the products pictures to get pricing information!
Hi All 🙂

Literally, with the world at our fingertips today,
we can instantly become
and simultaneously be

There are so many shopping sites out there
where you can find any item you want
and be able to pull up similar items
and even request varied price ranges.

So HIGH vs. LOW Shopping is a snap!

Today, I played with the tools on one of my favorites, Polyvore.
You can also have fun with it through the links pictured above.

Let me know what your favorite Online Shopping Sites are.
It’s would be fun to compare notes!

Thanks for visiting and as always,
don’t stress too much about it, just start that project!

Wishes to all for a safe, fun and happy Memorial Day Weekend.

Later – Cheryl

This original article “HIGH vs. LOW” appeared first on No included content or photography can be used elsewhere without specific permission and accreditation.

Copyright © 2013-2014 Artzzle All Rights Reserved