A Little Work While Waiting … for SPRING.

Yesterday was gorgeous here and revived spirits and senses.  Even though it’s still March in Minnesota and could snow like mad again any moment, one day of warm weather and walks outdoors does amazing things to a person.  I decided to “Spring” things up around here and got to work.

The credenza shelves in the hallway entrance were changed from this look, which has been up since Christmas was stored away.



I thrifted some wonderful dishes recently, and the colors steered me towards light blues and whites.




The new arrangement has those dishes with some of my mid-century Japanese blue ware, and several of my glossed white figurines.




Newer Artzzle readers and followers may not know that I have lots of favorite things that have been collected over time.  Plates, pottery and miscellaneous decor items, just to name a few.  And I know a couple people who would say I bring home “anything I fall in love with”.  Well … ?  One of my other favorite things is thrifting which doesn’t help!

Plates and pyrex, creamer/sugar sets and salt/pepper sets are just a few items I love.

We live in a small home and like things to be straightened and uncluttered.

Artzzle COUNTRY LIVING Feature

I should probably say that we need to keep it that way, because there’s not much free space available for stuff.  Now although I’m not a hoarder, I do have me some stuff.  So we’ve had to be inventive.  I’m a stager/decorator and among my Husband’s many talents is woodworking.  Between the two of us, we’ve redesigned all of our closets to better utilize our spaces, and Hubs has made several shelves for displays throughout the house.  These wonderful features allow me to change out displays as often as the urge hits me!

I designed this shelf to fit beneath the cabinet bottom.  The shelf itself, has two grooves cut lengthwise, to hold several plates.  Also, the width is deep enough to hold cups, small bowls and decor items (see earlier picture).  We then added cup hooks on the bottom of the shelf for a different display look.  This takes up very little space (great for apartments as you can take it with you), and keeps my counters clear.


The front door, with its’ new coat & color of paint, got an Easter Look for Spring.


And scattered about . . .


are smaller glimpses . . .


of Easter and Spring.


I know many of you have small apartments or smaller homes such as ours.  How do you use your spaces to display your treasures?

Just want to give a big HELLO & WELCOME to recent new followers.  I love hearing from you so feel free to leave a comment.  Know that you need to mark the box for follow-up comments.

Have a wonderful Easter weekend.  We’ll talk again soon.

Later  –  Cheryl





Colors, Whites and What’s Right for You

This was one of MY favorite posts from 2018, so am showing it off again 😀
When I pull out a flip chart of paint cards, sometimes the reactions are alarming.  So many people are intimidated … literally afraid of using color, and to them, thinking about all those choices is frightening.
Going to completely the opposite direction, let’s consider WHITE.  Take a look at this little post from Daily Dream Decor that I found over on Bloglovin.

7 All white spaces you will lust for

There are some great ideas here, but if that were the whole house, someone would have to lock me away in a private little white room!  😀
Rental apartments are notoriously painted in white or very light neutral colors.  That’s an easy way to ease into color.  The way to do that is with accessories.  Below, they’ve used naturals (dark wood & plants) and a trio of golds, oranges, browns and greens in the accessories.  So the “all white” room looks wonderful, not boring.
Decor gets braver in the living room below, where they’ve used color on the permanent pieces, i.e. couch and chair.  White remains predominant on the walls & ceilings, the rug, lampshades and even the plant and framed art.   But NOTE the window sheers are coupled with a slightly deeper neutral, a beige that works into the orange toss pillows.   Finishing touch is the deeper tones of the vase and flowers.  Everything inside also tends to play nicely with the outdoor view.
Dark floors give light neutrals life and ground the room.  Here other accessories in similar shades as the floor, help pull your eyes through the room.  Here again, a fun large plant adds additional color to the room, as well as texture and interest.
The living room below is much braver.  The dark floor color continues up the wall in the fireplace surround. The gorgeous green really livens up the room and is repeated in the area rug.   The third color orange is a great accent to all.  NOTE how wonderfully the art work and metals unite it all to produce a great look.
A totally different affect is seen in this final shot.  The ceiling has been painted in a dark color, and the majority of the floor is light, covered partially with the geometric rug.   Lively colors and textures add interest throughout, with the art, lamp and coffee table tones.  NOTE how the dark plant and white vase take your eye down to the black & white rug, which of course reminds you of that ceiling.  The green pieces add fun, with the turquoise and green glass the wow factor.

Black and white sprinkled through a room help give the eye a break, a resting spot.  This tip works in display too.

Whether you’re a “white wall” person or someone beginning to experiment with color, I hope you’ve enjoyed my post.  I love comments, so let me know what you think.

Until next time.


Continue reading

March Means Greens

     If you don’t already know  . . .  I’ll tell you now, March is my least favorite month.            I’d prefer to skip it entirely and go straight to . . .  April.

This year, I’m trying to kick myself in the rear, and steer clear of the doom & gloom.  March is associated with many things green, so let’s put some of them in a room.

People associate greens with landscapes, and that may be why they feel comfortable using those colors in their home.

A light wallpaper and darker accents are fun here.

A larger concentration is used below.  Notice they’ve chosen a monochromatic scheme.   This is where varied tints and shades of one color are used.  This can be done gradually for the hesitant decorator.  Choose one color you enjoy, and work it throughout your space, using light to medium tones, then darker as you become more confident.

The idea of any saturated decor colors is frightening for many of us, though.  Greens are not the first choice on my walls either.

Our home has a very open floor plan.  Entering the front door, you are immediately in the living room, from which you can also see through the dining room, into the family room, and down a hallway to the private areas.  This room (below) and down the hallway, are done in a light, neutral; a custom color I have used for years in other homes as well.

Neutrals’ accomplishments are many.  Here, it provides a clean look, a feeling of spaciousness and light, and is a wonderful backdrop for large art pieces.  Finally, it visually leads your eye down the hallway, and out to the adjoining rooms.  Your rooms should “play nice with each” 😀 , and continuing colors helps unite them, giving your spaces a comfortable flow.

Longtime readers and followers know that I’m NOT afraid of bolder colors and deep tones, but I have a definite plan with all colors as they play throughout my home.

If you are a neutral person, or just not ready for prime time, take baby steps and do a little experimenting, using accessories for your color and interests.

Greens are such fun to work with, and as noted, are the colors of nature which often puts people at ease.  The easiest green in decor is PLANTS.  Easy as 1-2-3 … colorful, affordable and moveable.  (And easy to replace if you have a brown thumb 😦  ).

Set a plant most anywhere and add a few favorite pieces with it.  Here, we’re using the MAGIC #3 Rule of Display; 3 different objects, 3 different textures, 3 different weights and heights.  Three items are always a great way to start any display, then it’s easy to go from there!

The above plant (variegated hoya) provides it’s own three, with light and dark, and white sprinkled leaves.  This plant can also produce cream colored leaves.

USE WHAT YOU HAVE.  I’ve had this versatile baker’s rack in three homes.  Here it helps me group big plants in one space, for light and easy watering.  But small plants work too.

These two are African Violets.  They need light but not bright sun.  More importantly, they need to be kept damp … NOT dripping but, damp.

And below is a simple (but super) philodendron.  It takes quite a bit of abuse.  Throw a little water on it, once or twice a week, give it a little light and room to grow.  Mine is supported with a little metal stand (thrift store find), but a simple wood stake or branch will work too.


Nature items i.e. wood pieces, stones and collected items, work especially well with greens – but just about any other color too.  Pick up several color cards at your favorite paint supply store.  Then shop your home for decor items, fabrics (even scarves from your closet).  Put all together and just live with them for awhile.  It’s a great way to start and then take it from there . . . when you’re ready.


I owed you all a long post, as it’s been quite a while since we connected.  I always enjoy your thoughts, questions and comments . . . BUT BE SURE to mark the box below the post, to receive follow-up comments.

Later – Cheryl

A January Jumpstart

The house looked a little empty today,
with the Christmas color packed away.
Even though the day was sunny and bright,
I’m too tired and lazy, to set things right.
From my favorite chair, I took to the net,
to see what inspiration I could get.
Color and clean lines are two boosters for me,
add some great displays to make it three.

Enjoy the pics and explore the source links. They’re sure to jump start your January!


Upon discovering this photo quite some time ago, I literally gasped and knew it had to be saved for a future post. A wonderful example of how display can be so very simple but achieve such breathtaking reactions.

This is from one of my HOUZZ Ideabooks “Color”. It’s really In Your Face but in a nice way.

Ah, can I ever stress “Simple” enough? Substitute “easy” if that’s the word you prefer. Either way, this look could be done by anyone, It just made me smile.

Speaking of smiling.

Simple, simple, simple but so effective! Okay, you get the idea.

Everything just fantastic here and it all works together perfectly. Wonderful display with my three “C’s” Clean, Comfortable, Colorful. Wow.

I’m not even much of a “yellows” gal but how could anyone not enjoy this (at least just to look at)!

And MORE color here! Ahh. And once again, simple. Start with a neutral wall color (will work with lots of themes), choose an inspiration piece (the beautiful toss pillow), bring in colors from that item and finally add an accent color for some extra pizzazz. Here it’s the coral flowers on the nightstand. This is also a great example of some of the “rules” I use. The nightstand has 3 simple items at 3 different heights. There are 3 smaller toss pillows and yes, only two bigger pillows BUT together, you’re still working with an odd number in your display. Unlike what we’ve always been told, ODD is good, DIFFERENT is delightful.

Remember decorating is personal so make it “YOU”. And don’t forget that decor rules are the stairway to your design, but it’s OK to skip a few steps. My Magic #3 is a suggested place to start, but once you get your motor revved up, take off down your own road.

Think my guests would appreciate this guest room. I sure would.

And finally, sometimes we just need things to be black and white.

This is such fun, I could go on forever, but have to get going on my house. Well, I’m cheered and this has kicked me into, if not HIGH Gear, at least to a bit more driven speed. So I best get goin’ while the gettin’s good!

January can sometimes be gloomy, but find ways to stay positive and you’ll stay productive too!  We’ll talk again soon.  Leave a comment and it’ll be even sooner 😀

Have a most Happy New Year.

Later – Cheryl

You’ve just read “A January Jumpstart” featured first on Artzzle.com. You’re invited to ask a question or leave a comment. I look forward to your input.


Choosing Accessories

One of my favorite places to play, is over at POLYVORE.  Those ideas I have in my head, can be created right on the screen.  I can get an idea of what it might look like.
You’re not buying anything, you’re just scrolling through literally thousands of cool items, then selecting them and making your own little design board, right on your computer, like this one below.
People often ask me “what to use or how to pull a room together”.  So tonight, I had a little fun over at POLYVORE and made a set to help demonstrate what might be done.  I used the new colors in my master bedroom and went from there.
CLICK the UNDERLINED LINK beneath this set to read my advice and hints.  And check out the entire site while you’re there.  You’ll have fun.
Choosing Accessories


Still Hangin’ Around

Promptly on January 1st, the decor changes in our house.  Ornaments are carefully removed, wrapped and safely stored away.  The Christmas tree is dismantled and enters it’s box for another year of hibernation.  All on New Year’s Day . . . but not this year.

We’ve kept the holiday hanging on a while longer this time.  More family coming on Saturday, so I just couldn’t change things out yet.

Red and gold are primaries on the tree and . . .


a lot of red and white pop up too . . .


all over the house.


Our kitchen cabinet tops are one of my favorite decorating spots.


This season was no different, including the stacked shelves,

and a few side arrangements.

This creche of cute characters was a new addition this year, and these other funny little pieces too.


Well, with only two more days to get ready for my company, I had better sign off.

Before leaving, I want to share the beautiful gift I received from a special friend.  Thanks Nadean, it’s perfect and I absolutely LOVE them.


Just want you to know that Artzzle is “Still Hangin’ Around” too, and I hope to connect with you more often this year.

Here’s wishing all of us a Wonderful New Year.

Later – Cheryl





Friday the 13th! Quick, a Craft!

Who could waste a perfect title like that?  Great time to share a quick craft with you too.  It’s easy, low cost and fun to do!



All you need is

  1. My FREE HALLOWEEN PRINTOUTS HERE (pictured above) that
  2. Paper and/or paper lunch bags
  3. Scissors & Glue
  4. String (any kind – yarn, thread, fishing line)
  5. One cup hook or large head screw
  6. A small branch from a shrub or tree

Could this be any easier?  Below are two “Done” ones


Halloween Handout  Bags



See the “TO DO’s”  HERE and HERE.

Find LOTS Fall projects by going up to the search bar & typing in the following words (one at a time) .

  1. Fall and/or Autumn
  2. EZ-PZ
  3. Mums

That’s it for this freaky Friday 😀

Whatever you do, don’t stress out … just start!

Later – Cheryl




No Time or $$ Wasted in Fall

October 11th and Fall is rising!  Even with two holidays in this season, decorating doesn’t take much time to be terrific, or at least it doesn’t have to.  Are you wondering what else can be done besides the old black & orange for Halloween?  Keep in mind that all of the autumn colors can carry your decor through to Thanksgiving.

Colors in the orange and brown ranges are some of my favorites, meaning I have plenty of accent pieces for displays right now.  True, you won’t have the identical items I’ve used, but as I always say “Use what you have”.


A simple group above.

  1.  Small bowl and two bright plates
  2.  Cream and Sugar set
  3.  A stem of artificial florals

Everyone has plates and bowls, and if you don’t have a C & S set, try two mugs, or a mug and a pretty glass.  No glitzy fake flower stems . . . SO WHAT.  Find some pine cones, funky branches or pretty leaves.  Those are FREE, and no storage worries either, just throw em’ away when you’re done!


This little group holds display tips for you, so don’t worry about not having everything in it.

  1.  Using an odd number of items in your display, is a helpful rule of thumb, but that isn’t to say it’s always a requirement.  Try starting with just three pieces and depending on your items and space, work from there.
  2.  Use varied heights and textures.  Here I have a lot of glass, so I chose different colors, textures and shapes to avoid a “ho hum” effect.
  3.  Try for one piece that will tie things together.  I placed a fun resin figurine ($1.00) in this little group.  It’s seasonal, cute and helps unite my colors.  I also like to have most pieces touching, in a display.  You’re not sending them to their separate corners … you want them to play together.



Give yourself a break, and make things easy.

  1. Use pictures and artwork that represent the season’s colors.
  2. Cozy, textural throws and colorful toss pillows are easy additions.
  3. Plants give life to an area in any season (brighten them with a pretty bow).  Finally, a few favorite treasures on your side table and boom . . . you’re done.

Autumn is so easy to decorate for.  A quick walk on a bright and brisk day, can provide countless natural add-ins.  Small, affordable plants and bouquets are available in stores everywhere.  Bring em’ home and throw it in a vase, a bowl … heck a big tin can (but cover the can in a pretty wrapping paper 😀 )

Thrift stores have endless amounts of wonderful decor items (and collectibles that you can treasure and use again and again)!  Take an afternoon or a hour after work and have a blast, discovering oodles of treasures!

YES, it’s repeating myself, but I can’t stress enough . . . USE WHAT YOU HAVE!  Shop your home … shop your Mom’s home, or Aunt Lil’s.  They’ll let you borrow and probably give things to you for your place 🙂 !  Memory pieces are the most meaningful decorations you’ll have.

Plants, plates, mugs; scarves, throw rugs, mittens, fabric, dish towels; books – Books – and MORE BOOKS.

  1. Use what you have or have access to
  2. Buy what you love AND can afford at the moment
  3.  Don’t stress out, just DO something, and have fun

You’re always welcome to stop over at my facebook page and see what’s happening there.  Lots of crafty creations going on right now.

Later – Cheryl







An Ending … and a New Beginning


September signals summer’s end, but also a new season, as Fall begins to trend.

Artzzle COUNTRY LIVING Feature

Ligularia pods burst into bloom.


As the Hostas present a finale display .  .  .


the Marigolds remain to play .  .  .


with emerging Seedum in their glorious array.

Fall Finale

Yet as colors fade and the skies begin to gray .  .  .


We must consider other means to brighten up our days.

As we now come to summer’s end, apologies to my followers and friends.  I’ve been quite lax in posting.

Thankfully at this time, worries and troubles are in decline.  Perhaps we could all use some toasting.

So here’s to health and happiness, and all that Fall will bring.  Let every day send new music your way.  It’s always the season to sing.

Until next time – Cheryl

P.S.    As a new computer now lives with me, I can promise more fun and posts to see.



ORANGE . . . one of my Favorite Colors

Combine it with clean lines, lots of light and plenty of white, and see how orange breathes new life into this neglected mid-century home featured over at HOUZZ.


Hope everyone is having a safe and fun 4th of July.

Later – Cheryl