It’s Gonna Be a BLUE Christmas

Hi . . . How are you?

I’m blue.

Well . . . at least my 2018 Christmas look is.


Three factors determined our holiday decor this year.

  1. Low energy & ambition .
  2. Della
  3. Quick thrift trip

The last half of this year has been a circus of doctors, surgeons, hospitals and appointments, which has put energy levels, ambition and creativity on a constant roller coaster ride.  Things are much improved but still not up to par.

When Hubs began gathering the decoration bins, most sat unopened, as my mood quickly changed from excitement to exhaustion.  A peek at the ornament boxes revealed the blue, white and silver pieces on top, so that became our 2018 color scheme.

Holidays mean Hubs gladly allows me to do all of the decorating, especially the BIG tree.  Below is a look from past years.

The second obstacle this season is Della, our eight month puppy.

While still cute . . . not so small anymore.

She can only lay on top of that chair now.

So no big tree this time! Not yet grown out of her puppy personality (destructiveness).

The blues became official with a quick trip to a favorite thrift store, where ALL CHRISTMAS items happened to be 1/2 off.  Some great pieces, and so many in blue hues.


So at home, a blue Christmas it is, which works quite well with the new accent color we’re using in our open dining/kitchen area.


A small tree instead of the tall.


Little vignettes on the tables . . .


. . . and the wall


Cabinet tops join in, with glass, trees, plates and tins.


Our hutch is the place most fun.  Della can’t reach so it’s a safe one

Two nativity sets are always a go . . .


. . .  it’s modern in the bedroom . . .


and traditional on the piano.

With this Christmas of blue, my hopes are that you will enjoy this colorful season, too.  Have a wonderful holiday, stay safe and warm, and we’ll meet the new year together.

Merry Christmas from me and the Hubs 🙂


Later – Cheryl

A January Jumpstart

The house looked a little empty today,
with the Christmas color packed away.
Even though the day was sunny and bright,
I’m too tired and lazy, to set things right.
From my favorite chair, I took to the net,
to see what inspiration I could get.
Color and clean lines are two boosters for me,
add some great displays to make it three.

Enjoy the pics and explore the source links. They’re sure to jump start your January!


Upon discovering this photo quite some time ago, I literally gasped and knew it had to be saved for a future post. A wonderful example of how display can be so very simple but achieve such breathtaking reactions.

This is from one of my HOUZZ Ideabooks “Color”. It’s really In Your Face but in a nice way.

Ah, can I ever stress “Simple” enough? Substitute “easy” if that’s the word you prefer. Either way, this look could be done by anyone, It just made me smile.

Speaking of smiling.

Simple, simple, simple but so effective! Okay, you get the idea.

Everything just fantastic here and it all works together perfectly. Wonderful display with my three “C’s” Clean, Comfortable, Colorful. Wow.

I’m not even much of a “yellows” gal but how could anyone not enjoy this (at least just to look at)!

And MORE color here! Ahh. And once again, simple. Start with a neutral wall color (will work with lots of themes), choose an inspiration piece (the beautiful toss pillow), bring in colors from that item and finally add an accent color for some extra pizzazz. Here it’s the coral flowers on the nightstand. This is also a great example of some of the “rules” I use. The nightstand has 3 simple items at 3 different heights. There are 3 smaller toss pillows and yes, only two bigger pillows BUT together, you’re still working with an odd number in your display. Unlike what we’ve always been told, ODD is good, DIFFERENT is delightful.

Remember decorating is personal so make it “YOU”. And don’t forget that decor rules are the stairway to your design, but it’s OK to skip a few steps. My Magic #3 is a suggested place to start, but once you get your motor revved up, take off down your own road.

Think my guests would appreciate this guest room. I sure would.

And finally, sometimes we just need things to be black and white.

This is such fun, I could go on forever, but have to get going on my house. Well, I’m cheered and this has kicked me into, if not HIGH Gear, at least to a bit more driven speed. So I best get goin’ while the gettin’s good!

January can sometimes be gloomy, but find ways to stay positive and you’ll stay productive too!  We’ll talk again soon.  Leave a comment and it’ll be even sooner 😀

Have a most Happy New Year.

Later – Cheryl

You’ve just read “A January Jumpstart” featured first on You’re invited to ask a question or leave a comment. I look forward to your input.


HELP WANTED: Needed NOW- Holiday Inspiration

Tomorrow is the 1st of December … already.

Thanksgiving was quiet this year with no visitors.  The days following are usually when we begin the Christmas decorating.  This year’s gloomy weather isn’t promoting much holiday spirit.Christmas


Rain and record warm temperatures have dissolved the two light accumulations of snow we have had.  Soggy, brown ground and cloudy days are on the schedule for the week.


Over the weekend, we did dig out some of the holiday bins.  Well, giving credit when it’s due … Hubs did the digging, braving our crawl space to find some of the holiday bins.  Containers were brought up, unpacked and items placed all over our space. And the mess began …


Many of you know but for those who don’t, I’ll tell you big messes really aren’t my thing! Can’t stand em’.  They literally make me uncomfortable.  But I do try to find something positive, even in a negative situation.  The positive at this stage, was that seeing some of my Christmas treasures again, sparked an inkling of enthusiasm.

By late Sunday evening, items were up here, but not arranged yet, and the kitchen and dining room were a complete disaster. Pieces, paper, boxes and bins everywhere.


At that point, we were pooped out.  And as awful as it is to wake up to a dirty house, it had to be …  I was tired … so it was off to bed.

Monday, creating some heavy duty enthusiasm was an ABSOLUTE MUST.  I began browsing digital photo albums and finally … holiday posts from previous years.

Christmas at Artzzle

It opened a Pandora’s box of ideas.  Click HERE for your inspiration.

Meanwhile, Hubs and I will keep plugging away at our 2016 Holiday Home!

This is only the beginning, but our goal is to finish by this coming Saturday.  Next, current displays have to be taken down, wrapped and packed away.  Lots of crawling, climbing, reaching and handing going on.  Not a speedy process for a couple of old(ish) fogies decorators like us!

TIP:  No matter your age, always make climbing and ladder work a “two-person” project.  In-home falls can be dangerous, but especially when working alone as you have no one to come to your aid.

Besides … it’s always more fun and more work done … with two instead of one!

It’s good to be back and I’ll be glad to read your comments again 😀

Later – Cheryl





A January Jumpstart

The house looks a little empty today,
with the Christmas color packed away.
Even though the day was sunny and bright,
I’m tired out and lazy tonight,
with slim initiative to set the place right.

So, from my favorite chair, I took to the net,
to see what inspiration I could get.
Color and clean lines are two boosters for me,
add some great displays to make it three.

Enjoy the pics and explore the links for their sources. They’re sure to jumpstart your January!

Upon discovering this photo quite some time ago, I literally gasped and knew it had to be saved for a future post. A wonderful example of how display can be so very simple but achieve such breathtaking reactions.

This is from one of my HOUZZ Ideabooks “Color”. It’s really In Your Face but in a nice way.

Ah, can I ever stress “Simple” enough? Substitute “easy” if that’s the word you prefer. Either way, this look could be done by anyone, It just made me smile.

Speaking of smiling.

Simple, simple, simple but so effective! Okay, you get the idea.

Everything just fantastic here and it all works together perfectly. Wonderful display with my three “C’s” Clean, Comfortable, Colorful. Wow.

I’m not even much of a “yellows” gal but how could anyone not enjoy this (at least just to look at)!

And MORE color here! Ahh. And once again, simple. Start with a neutral wall color (will work with lots of themes), choose an inspiration piece (the beautiful toss pillow), bring in colors from that item and finally add an accent color for some extra pizzazz. Here it’s the coral flowers on the nightstand. This is also a great example of some of the “rules” I use. The nightstand has 3 simple items at 3 different heights. There are 3 smaller toss pillows and yes, only two bigger pillows BUT together, you’re still working with an odd number in your display. Unlike what we’ve always been told, ODD is good, DIFFERENT is delightful.

Remember decorating is personal so make it “YOU”. And don’t forget that decor rules are the stairway to your design, but it’s OK to skip a few steps. My Magic #3 is a suggested place to start, but once you get your motor revved up, take off down your own road.

Think my guests would appreciate this guest room. I sure would.

And finally, sometimes we just need things to be black and white.

This is such fun, I could go on forever, but have to get going on my house. Well, I’m cheered and this has kicked me into, if not HIGH Gear, at least to a bit more driven speed. So I best get goin’ while the gettin’s good!

January can sometimes be gloomy, but find ways to stay positive and you’ll stay productive too!  We’ll talk again soon.  Leave a comment and it’ll be even sooner 😀

Before I sign off, I want to thank the author of Leaf and Twig for allowing me to use her beautiful photo in my newest header.  Hope you enjoy it and the background change.
Have a most Happy New Year.

Later – Cheryl

You’ve just read “A January Jumpstart” featured first on You’re invited to ask a question or leave a comment. I look forward to your input.


Hey … Timing ISN’T Everything … is it?

How’s your timing?

Not the musical or early/late kind of timing . . . but just in everyday things . . . you know.

Ever just miss something great that happened because your timing was a little off?  Example:  You work in a popular metropolitan store where a major movie star is coming in before store opening to shop  AND she’ll sign autographs.  I get You come to work the usual time – and just miss her . . . how did I not you not know?

How about when everyone else – but you – always seems to know what day it is.  Bloggers mention all these special calendar days that I’ve never heard of. Hey, I love puppies, so how did I not know – until May, that National Puppy Day was in March?

(FYI:  Evidently there really is a Puppy Day.  Click the pic for a fun daily calendar.)


Creativity doesn’t fit to a timetable.   For me, it strikes at any time of day or night.  I know a few people – besides myself – who keep pad and pen on the bed stand, for those occasional, great middle-of-the-night ideas, or the one that hits just as you’re falling asleep.  I’m also part of that group that takes pad, paper and a camera with them wherever they go.  Well, the camera gets forgotten a lot . . . thank gawd for my cell phone!

Studio Arts Classes in college, can get tough.  You’re given a week or so to complete a specific assignment . . . plenty of time, right? But more often than not, my best idea didn’t hit until a day or two before deadline. I spent many nights painting or drawing until 4:00 am of due day – and I had morning classes   😦   Other ideas developed earlier, but THE ONE  usually came down to the wire. A couple of times my oils were still wet at presentation.

J.O.'s Studio

Inspiration can’t be scheduled. It originates through life’s daily experiences. In a single moment, something fantastic can set the ideas flowing. My son is, and I was, in advertising. We both preferred NOT to be art directors and specifically chose other avenues. There is a tremendous amount of pressure to instantly produce. Schedules can be excruciating on the creative process (and the nerves), especially if you’re the person who has to come up with the campaign’s ideas.

My timing issues are possibly why I love decorating. Other than special displays for holiday themes, in your own home, you can decorate the way you want, and work on any room or project, any time of year.  AND you always have options for changes.  You don’t have to live by a schedule or calendar unless of course, you’re working with clients.  Even then though, it’s more of a fun process than ulcer producing.

Ideas and initiative for a master bedroom project, have been bombarding my brain big-time lately, so that’s what I’m working on. Previous versions were featured HERE


and HERE.

Artzzle Timing Feature

Details for the re-do are coming together quickly, but all I’ll tell you today is, there are big changes afoot, especially with the colors.  I’m adding an accent color and the two top contenders are  LILAC  and  CORAL.  We’re also developing an architectural feature.

So you know, I began this article yesterday, with every intention of posting it then.  Honestly I did!

See, I found this.  “June 1st, by the way, is NATIONAL HAZELNUT CAKE DAY.”  I was going to include this crazy calendar day . . .


and tell you a funny story about how I used to like hazelnuts, but one time ate way too many . . . moaned, groaned and threw up most of the next day.

That’s funny – right?  But, maybe it’s more of a time management issue, not timing, huh; not knowing when to stop!?

Hubs’ timing was lousy yesterday.  I was almost finished with this post when I got a “Need a little help out here”. Working in the shop, he somehow caught his finger in/under/between a caster ??? and, long story short . . . we made an unexpected trip to the ER for stitches.

Artzzle Timing Feature

Gracie and I got kinda freaked out with all the blood, yuk!

Artzzle Timing Feature

We’re all OK now – Hubs too.

Today is National Rotisserie Chicken Day though – no, seriously.  It also happens to be my grocery day so . . . it’s off to WalMart to buy one!

Don’t forget – stress less and you’ll start more!

Later – Cheryl

BIG P.S.    I love your comments.  BE SURE when you comment, that your address is set to receive my personal reply to you.  Otherwise, MARK THE FOLLOW-UP COMMENT BOX to get a reply from the post.

I’m still waiting  for some project updates and pictures from some of you (YOU know who you are! 🙂   Remember, you can find the email address when you click my profile pic on the home page.  Send pics, questions and concerns via that address!

Talk to you soon!





The Blues

The Blues
Hi All.
So many of us are welcoming Spring with new looks in a room or two.
We’ve often talked of monochromatic color schemes,
HERE . . . and  HERE.
You’re working with just one main color,
using tints and shades of it.
It makes choosing colors much easier,
and you know that they will work together,
because they are in the same family.
Studies show that blue is one of the most popular decor colors.
Trending currently are blues in the aqua hues,
so I’ve put together an inspiration board,
with fun colors, textures and patterns.
I hope these get some ideas flowing.
Remember, the three important basics of good design . . .
Color, Texture and Pattern
Combining these compatibly, always creates interesting spaces.
Thanks for stopping by.
Have a great weekend and as always,
don’t stress, just start!
Later – Cheryl

This original article “The Blues” appeared first on No included content or photography can be used elsewhere without specific permission and accreditation.

Copyright © 2013-2014 Artzzle All Rights Reserved

The Oomph Returns!

Hi and Happy August.

Regulars know that I’ve been bummed and blue after the recent loss of Freddy. Even my crazy cousins’ visit and our fun shopping escapades, didn’t lift the doom cloud completely. I just haven’t found or projected much inspiration lately.


Energy levels began rising yesterday when Hubs took a mid-week vacation day. Gorgeous weather allowed us to get lots done in the yard. I’m always more energetic when he’s out there working with me! Do you feel like that about your partner? Anyway, look what we cleaned up and hauled to the field.

As is often the case, I forgot about pictures, so no before shots. But you would have just seen “Befores” that were dead trees and shrubs, and big holes in the “Afters”.


One lilac got moved, to replace a cottoneaster shrub, but otherwise no big changes for photo ops. Several other large bushes did get substantial hair cuts, but again, I never thought about B4 images.

Last year this two-trunk oddity came up in a planting bed by the family room west window. We forgot to pull it and this summer it’s gigantic. I think it’s a cast off root of a former shrub that was removed long ago, but can’t remember the name. We decided to let it continue a few more seasons and see what happens.

It’s sad to have to remove trees. As for shrubs, I always assumed if they remained healthy they were long lasting. I’ve learned that many do have long lifespans. But others, especially some of the more woody stemmed varieties like ninebarks, reach a point where they can no longer be pruned effectively and the roots begin taking all the nourishment from other plants in your bed.

The reddish bush pictured below is a 13 year diablo ninebark that will probably have to go next season.


On an ending note here are a couple of shots of our front entrance area.


Here’s a question for you.

Who is Kim Parker and why do I love her book so much?

Find out next time!
Meanwhile, don’t stress, just start.

Later – Cheryl

Thanks for visiting. You’ve just read “The Oomph Returns!” on I love comments and questions so send “em” my way.

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